Custom Remington 700

Parker Arms and Gunsmithing

Gun Blog

Winchester Model 100 Firing pin recall

This is an old recall but we serviced 2 rifles this month that had not had the firing pin replaced with the improved version. If you own a Winchester Model 100 STOP using it and bring it in or call us so we can check the status of your firearm. The firing pin can...

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Springfield Armory Severs Ties with Dick’s Sporting Goods

Springfield Armory Severs Ties with Dick’s Sporting Goods

GENESEO, IL, (05/03/18) – Springfield Armory is severing ties with Dick’s Sporting Goods and its subsidiary, Field & Stream, in response to their hiring a group for anti-Second Amendment lobbying. This latest action follows Dick’s Sporting Goods’ decision to...

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Like any firearm, the function of the M&P®380 Shield™ EZ™ Manual Thumb Safety pistol can be influenced by the type and quality of ammunition used with the pistol. In the case of the M&P 380 Shield EZ Manual Thumb Safety, we have found that in very rare...

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Important Ruger Product Safety Bulletin

Important Ruger Product Safety Bulletin

Ruger has issued an Important Ruger Product Safety Bulletin on their Precision Rifle. Clink the link below for full details. We have checked the serial #'s of the guns we have sold and none are subject to this issue.

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Ruger Mark IV Safety Recall

Ruger Mark IV Safety Recall

EVERY Ruger Mark IV Mfg. before June 1, 2017 is subject to this recall. Below is a link to a PDF describing the issue and another link to the recall website: PDF: Website:...

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Daniel Defense Safety Recall

If you purchased a Daniel Defense rifle From Parker Arms your serial # has been checked and your rifle is NOT subject to the recall. Please feel free to recheck at the link below. Also the full letter from DDI. DISCONNECTOR SAFETY...

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Remington announces recall on 887 Shotgun

Let me first say that if you purchased a Remington 887 shotgun from Parker Arms & Gunsmithing your firearm is not affected by this recall. I have checked our records and verified the serial #'s of the 887"s sold here. The 887's sold here DO NOT fall into the...

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Brass vs. Steel Cased Ammo

This debate will go on forever and with good cause. Personally I prefer not to use steel cased ammo in my firearms, I am meticulous about the care of my guns and prefer to use only quality brass cased ammo in them. Here is a link to an article on that...

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